Industrial Manufacturing Companies
R&D driven manufacturing & Industry 4.0 developments push entire organisation to improve their working methods.
Centralised procurement approach allows to pull requests from all locations into one single procurement board. This makes procurement strategic business partner and reduces overall time-to-market.
Sub-contracting-, quotation- and order management are part of normal workflow.
Every request card can be linked with specific project or production facility. Smart filtering keeps only important cards on board.
Supplier contracts, certificates, delivery documents are stored on SRM (Supplier Relationship Management) system.
Urgent Request receive priority status and these are processed quickly through system.
Procurement Department
Procurement Department
Procurement Department
Procurement Department
Procurement Department
ProcurementFlow benefit to Manufacturing Industry
Collaborative Purchasing
Involve requestors into R&D discussions with potential Suppliers without losing control over process. Benefit from Suppliers Innovations and know-how.
Direct & Indirect
Indirect and Direct Purchasing through same flow ensures that not a single request is forgotten or lost.
Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)
All communications with potential and existing Suppliers. Contracts, conditions, spend, quality incidents, past and planned events are all captured from single source.
Integrate with ERP
Connect easily with your existing ERP system. Seamless integration allows you to use best feature from both systems.