
ProcurementFlow is built to Support Supplier Led Innovation!
Most important activities are made before PO is sent out: Finding out right suppliers, connecting suppliers with internal requesters and creating new and cost effective solutions are all made way before PO.
Beside this information exchange is normally not connected with process but with ProcurementFlow process and communication is kept in sync and that creates true collaboration.
For Individual
Motivational Boost
Working as valued team member in motivated team empowers collaboration and gives positive energy for every working day.
being on good track with all your tasks gives positive energy and lets you leave work in good spirits.
accurate and on the point KPIs boosting teamwork and bring playfulness into daily work.
Purchasing and procurement work is often seen as supportive for something greater. When activities are transparent and every step is visible then.
Intuitive Workflow
Procurement Flow core process is built by using Social.
Time to think
Freeing up time from routine tasks allows everyone to spend more time on thinking and researching.
For Company
Increased Revenue
When process time is reduced and nothing is left behind, then this allows to keep your promises towards customers which results into increased revenue.
Stable Employees Turnover Rate
Motivated and satisfied people do not plan to leave instead they want to stay and be part of company working culture.
Reduced Time to Market
New innovation and technologies can be easily processed by procurement and enhanced communication allows to make quick progress.
All around improved communication improves companies culture, takes down functional silos and boosts collaboration.
More Innovation
Motivated people come up with better ideas and are willing to give more to innovation.
Cross Company Culture
Everyone likes to work in a company where all people are valued and motivated.
For Department
High Team spirit
Happy and motivated people are able to do more and tackle daily challenges with an ease.
Increased collaboration within a department and with other departments.
Procurement Teams are value and equal counterparts with any other department.
Smart Ideas
With less time spend on routine tasks, people have more time to think and generate valuable ideas.
More time for strategy
Take your company to next level and make a shift from operational to more strategic.
Increased Trust
Requester can see the progress and digital audit trail increases trust.
For Suppliers
Even if contacts are changing, then previous relations, history, joint achievements are kept and valued.
Strategical Decision Making
Less emotion based decision and more based on actual facts and data.
Being a part of something greater, by easily sharing your ideas and comments.
Empowered Partnership
True cooperation starts when there is no customer/supplier strong relations instead there are equal partners who share ideas and solve challenges jointly.