Purchase Requisition Approvals
No set-up • No credit card required • 14-day free trial • Cancel at any time
Requesters send purchase requests from Requester Portal (procurement.yourcompany.com) or via email procurement@yourcompany.com, and they end up at ProcurementFlow.com Team View automatically.

This is how easy it is for everybody
After sending purchasing requests via email requester will get auto response informing that request has reached Procurement team and it is equipped with unique ID. This ID helps to identify request status and keep communication in one place.
Procurement Team
Procurement team sees notification on board notifying about new request. At the same time new Request Card is created and from now on can be handled by procurement team.
Send Procurement Request for Approval in less than a minute. Fill in details and in case some details are missing then questions can be asked directly from requester.
Approver will receive new approval request to email with an option to Approve or Reject and add comment instantly from the Smartphone.
What about ERP and existing Invoice Approval Process?
ProcurementFlow compliments the existing process and can be taken into use without any integration. PO-s can be issued from ProcurementFlow or ERP (based on the input from ProcurementFlow).
It's a business decision if existing Invoice Approval flow shall be used for approving invoices that match with PO and which delivery is confirmed by Requester.
It's a business decision if existing Invoice Approval flow shall be used for approving invoices that match with PO and which delivery is confirmed by Requester.
CFO Manifesto to Organisation about NEW ORDER
CFO Name
Head of Business Units
COVID-19 Response: New Rules - all costs shall be first approved by management
Head of Business Units
COVID-19 Response: New Rules - all costs shall be first approved by management
Dear all,
As you all know, we have entered to the era of uncertainty because of the Corona virus. Here are the new rules.
NEW RULE: Before any items or services are ordered (obligations taken for our company), the request shall be first approved by management.
Here is what you need to do with any requests:
1. All your requests shall be sent to Procurement via ourCOMPANY@procurementflow.com, where every request is registered.
2. Procurement sends it to digital approval for management.
3. After approval, you will get a notification.
4. Procurement will issue the Purchase Order.
5. After the Supplier sends the Invoice, it will be approved as before.
Best regards,
As you all know, we have entered to the era of uncertainty because of the Corona virus. Here are the new rules.
NEW RULE: Before any items or services are ordered (obligations taken for our company), the request shall be first approved by management.
Here is what you need to do with any requests:
1. All your requests shall be sent to Procurement via ourCOMPANY@procurementflow.com, where every request is registered.
2. Procurement sends it to digital approval for management.
3. After approval, you will get a notification.
4. Procurement will issue the Purchase Order.
5. After the Supplier sends the Invoice, it will be approved as before.
Best regards,
PS If your organisation has email address like procurement@ourCOMPANY.com already in place then this can be forwarded to ProcurementFlow fo from where requests are registered and sent to approval workflow.
What's the cost?
Small Team
Team up to 3 buyers
No direct emailing to the suppliers (RFI, RFP, PO)
No direct emailing to the suppliers (RFI, RFP, PO)
FREE for Requestors,
Approvers and Suppliers
Approvers and Suppliers
Medium Team
4-7 buyers
FREE for Requestors,
Approvers and Suppliers
Approvers and Suppliers
Big Team
8-20 buyers
FREE for Requestors,
Approvers and Suppliers
Approvers and Suppliers
FREE for requestors
Requestors can be anyone in your company who needs products or services to be purchased.
FREE for Approvers
Approvals approve the orders and confirm that ordered goods or services are delivered.
Solution Contact
Solution Contact
Tarmo Saidla
CEO & Solution Expert
+372 56 611916
CEO & Solution Expert
+372 56 611916